How Wimal and the group sat amidst the parliament for having called Mahinda to Bribery Commission

How Wimal and the group sat amidst the parliament for having called Mahinda to Bribery Commission


At the point when the parliament gathered at the beginning of today at 9.30, the 19th Amendment was exhibited to
parliament and the Speaker took a choice to delay its perusing to day after tomorrow. Despite the fact that a gathering of individuals from the parliament from the Opposition said that they don't had anything to discuss amid that period had then voiced their assessment; yet they were not given an opportunity. What they had needed was to question about previous President Mahinda Rajapaksa being summoned to the Bribery Commission.

 Later, it was accounted for that a gathering of Opposition individuals who were supporters of Mahinda and headed by Wimal Weeravansha started to dissent amidst the parliament and had made some perplexity. Thusly they had sat down on celebrity central at the focal point of the assemblies of parliament.

Their contention was that the ex-President had never been included in any pay off action or enjoyed defilement and that he had been called there for purposes of political requital.